Well, its more than 2 weeks now since Carma joins the Chaos.
She's fitting in quite well actually. No major fights, so far. A few spats, scuffles here & there, & that's about it.
Since Carma came, Beauty is now 'friends' with Alex & Dim Sum. Beauty used to stay in my room most of the time. Now they 'chill out' together on my bed, which unfortunately, leaves me with just a teeny weeny bit to lie on. If I turn, I'm on the floor. Hey, small sacrifices for harmony, right?
Carma is working her way to bond with them. She'd hang around watching them, try to get as close to them as possible without getting snarled at. They just need time to get to know her. I am positive she'll get there.
Carma is such a positive cat. She's just happy to play by herself, she's constantly entertaining herself. She's very loving & she demonstrates her love openly. She meows the loudest when I come home everyday from work. She'd weave in & out of my legs, rubs her head against me. A very touchy-feely cat. What a lovely cat!
Now, I am a happy cat momma.